I will give a talk on this short-lived attempt on Universal education tomorrow -- El Maestro (1921-23). The clear point of departure is Vasconcelos and El ateneo de la juventud mexicana -- which moved against the Porfiriato, positivism and a ridiculous bastardization of Darwinism. Their move in the 1920s arrives after the advent of Latin American modernism, which, to my mind, is more about a complete upheaval of nation-dreaming, looking more towards a contradictory form of cultural anarchy. I think I will get at a hypothesis of cultural cannibalism via these two images. They suggest a few readings, but mine will deal with consumption, juxtaposition, digestion and knowledge production. Ecological thinking would not be too far away...
A bizarre sort of neoclassicism -----> the indigenous production of knowledge
I am thinking that mere discussion of reception and production is naive here. It is more about the recycling of universal knowledge, history and philosophy. The result is a cannibalism, which is often credited as a type of liberation in Latin American modernism. A series of juxtapositions (of the ekphrasitic sort) will demonstrate this consumption.
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